We had a great baptism a few weeks ago. The young man (Joon-yung) is the son of a member. He's still 8 years old, so he's not considered an investigator but we were still able to help him and teach him. It felt good. I was happy to see the baptism.
Now we've got another young man who is nine years old and is the son of some other members. His Dad wants us to teach him and have him baptized soon, which will be great!
Kyong Jin (coffee shop owner) is still great and is reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning...nice guy. We're really hoping to get him out to church soon.
Kyung Hwahn (the college student we used to hang out with) has gone to Vancouver, Canada to study for 9 months. We made a deal that we'll meet up in Seattle when I get back. I'm excited!
Min Gyu (the son of a part member family) is leaving for military service today. We had our final appointment with him and his family on tuesday night. It was kind of sad.
Yesterday was "Children's Day" in Korea. It is a national holiday and the focus is on the kids. We met up at a carnival event with some members, and then we went and made kim bap with some other members and washed their dog - it was fun!
At Zone Meeting on Monday, I gave a talk about helping our Part Member families in the Church (where just one spouse is a member of the church). The focus in our Church is now on "rescuing" people under the new "To the Rescue" program. We talked about the importance of rescuing these part member families. The most important thing is to help them understand the blessings promised to families who make and keep eternal covenants together . When they realize this and gain a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel, then you can baptize the non member family members and assist them in finding the path to eternal life together.......it works so much better. Like two oars pulling the rowboat instead of one. Good times.
The Gospel is true!
Elder Bocchino
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